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Sleep is essential to life. Babies sleep, so also the adults and the elderly. The Kings and the Queens are not exempted. Soldiers and watchmen also struggle with slumber. Our bodies require sleep in order to maintain proper function and health. In pursuit of success, we are caught up in a competitive routine that makes us burn the candle at both ends. People keep late night to socialize, factories run 24/7 and we become sleep deprived. When we skip sleep in order to keep up with our busy schedule, we pay a price with our health, safety and quality of life.
Slumber is a state of suspended consciousness. At such point, we become unaware of our self and environment. “A survey by the national Sleep Foundation has found that 30% of participants have admitted to sleeping while on duty.”¹
“February 2008 – the pilots on a go! Airline flight were suspended during an investigation when it was suspected they fell asleep midflight from Honolulu, Hawaii to Hilo; Hawaii, resulting in their overshooting Hilo Airport by 15 miles before turning around to land safely.”² “The Peach Bottom Nuclear Generating Station was ordered shut down by Nuclear Regulatory Commission after four operators were found sleeping while on duty.”³
How often we put our lives in danger and people around us when we slumber in our responsibilities. There is a lion that slumbers in every soul and must wake up.
You were born for a purpose, with an assignment, equipped and gifted to make a difference.
Failure to recognize this and step up to achieve why you were born may stir up frustration. A slumbered man or woman is ignorant and inattentive. Hence, it’s time for you to awake, arise and be restored.
DECLARATION: “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.” (Rom. 13:11-12)
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