
The weak is crying out for strength. The outcast is craving for love. The disheartened desire nothing but comfort. The lost is seeking to be found and joyfully recovered. People, who are victimized, cheated and taken advantage of, are desperate for justice. The crisis of life can twist our life’s expectations and we feel trapped, yet we can be rescued, restored and revived.
Leadership is tested in the midst of storms, so was Ezra; rising up to bring his people out of captivity to build the ruined city and establish the welfare of his people. This book unfolds strategic restoration and prophetic decrees for revival.

In Next Level: My Strategic Recoveries Pastor Komolafe writes: “Rewards await those who may be pressured on every side, struck down to the ground, but never struck out.” He graciously shares the wisdom he has gained from God’s Word, and from nearly 40 years of ministry. Next Level offers an arsenal of weapons―prayer, biblical truth, strategic instructions, and prophetic declarations―with which to do battle against our soul’s enemy, who is the destroyer of hope. As a child of God, you are heir to a glorious future. Learn how to take effective aim at the specific things that hinder you. Set your course to experience God’s goodness and grace to the fullest!

This book is about the unfailing and unbroken decrees of Queen Esther, a slave who rose to stardom. Even though an Orphan, she lived to fulfill her name – Esther (a star) and she brought joy to her generation. She was preferred above all her competitors because she won favor and approval. This book sets you on a seventy days of prophetic strategic journey to establish irrevocable decrees that will bring light, gladness, joy and honor. You also can experience advancement of destiny even as Mordecai rose to greatness and as Esther (star), you can shine forth in glory because, you have “come to the kingdom for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14). I am persuaded by the Holy Spirit that this book is relevant to our generation because, “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” (1 Corinthians 10:11).

Praise is appropriate and pleasant unto God, our Eternal Father. It should be our lifestyle because therein is God glorified. This is not just another devotional book, but a daily fulfillment of praise vow. A life committed to thanksgiving and praise is highly favored by God. Therefore, as you engage in unceasing thanksgiving and praise, your daily portion of blessings shall surely unfold.

We are in the midst of a power clash between good and evil, between righteousness sand unrighteousness. However, victory is determined in the favor of God’s people. We can triumph over the battles on our minds, our cities, and our businesses, as we ride upon the wings of Him who has made us more than conquerors.In Mightily Oppressed but Mightily Delivered, Pastor David Komolafe teaches how each of us can develop the mindset of a champion, and successfully defeat the powers of darkness and oppression while walking in the liberty of the sacrifice of our resurrected Savior. He provides strategic prophetic declarations to overcome curses, infirmities, and adversities, and offers powerful prayers that can bring true freedom, healing, and restoration.

Truly praise rules over all (Gen.49:10), subdues the enemy of our soul (Gen.49:8), devours like a mighty lion (Gen.49:9) and terrifies afflictions and bondages (Isa.19:17). So it’s time to say goodbye to murmuring, complaining and grumbling. This book challenges you into a 70 day power praise journey that you may encounter the greatness and goodness of Almighty God, Who alone is worthy of our praise.

More than a devotional book, Forty days of prophetic miracles will propel you into a prophetic journey that will help you step into the realm of miracles. It will equip even the weakest person for an astounding supernatural experience.
Available at Redemption Press for purchase
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Fear comes in many forms – the tragic breaking news; the anxiety you experience waiting for results of medical tests; the dread and panic you feel when you hear about more layoffs at your company. But whatever you fear, God can free you from it. And in this book, you’ll learn how to apply His word and his power to your fears and send them packing.
Available at Redemption Press for purchase

Victory in our spiritual battles is in our grasp as soon as we call upon the Lord of battles, and mightiest weapon in our arsenal – the blood of Christ. Pastor David Komolafe has been through the trenches of spiritual warfare to report “However destructive the battles of your life may be, surrender them to Jesus, the Lord of battles, and He will give you victory”

It is the will of God to restore us to His fullness, in spite of disintegration of moral, social, economy and spiritual state of life. Opposition has wearied us from building the waste places; which may come through ridicule, conspiracy, threats, craftiness, treachery, or accusations. Nonetheless, “The God of heaven Himself will prosper us” (Neh.2:20).